So after a bit, Tiffany and I head back to Copperas Cove, which is about a 20 minute drive. We get home cook dinner and hang out and then Tiffany comes running begging to go with her friends to see Alice in Wonderland. So off she goes. She is trying hard to grow up with her sister and at times it is cute to watch her, since she is still only 13 and you can still see that she is struggling with wanting to grow up and then at the same time stay a kid too. Tiffany is the youngest in her class since she was able to skip a year of school a few years back when I decided to home school her. Although she is 21 months younger than Heather and should be at least 2 years behind her in school she is only 1 year behind and I can totally see her passing Heather in the next few years. (Here in Texas if I high school student has good grades they can go to the local community college and take classes for dual credits and actually graduate earlier. This is something I see Tiffany doing since all of her classes right now are too easy for her.) Sunday morning comes along and Tiffany comes to me and decides that she really wants to go spend the night at Abby's house. Then Heather calls me and April has invited her to stay with them this week. So now it is Sunday afternoon and I went from having 3 kids to only having 1. No problem, change of plans and Alex and I decide to have a Star Wars date. We watched all 6 movies.
In the mean time Mom has not been feeling well at all so we have not seen much of her. Monday comes along and bang! I wake with the most horrible headache and body aches. Great!! So Alex being a trooper heads out to play with his friends leaving the house quiet. All I can think of is take meds, keep the house dark and in a few hours I will be fine. Yeahhh right. By the time Mom gets home from work, which was odd because she is rarely home before 7pm and she came in at 5, I still am not feeling well. Thank goodness there were plenty of left overs in the frig because I really didn't want to cook. I heated up something for Alex to eat and then Tiffany came in and I made sure she ate, woke Jon up for work and I went back to the couch.
Tiffany got up in the morning, made sure her chores were done and then off she went to another girlfriend's house for the night. (My kids don't get to spend the night at friends very much because I am very strict with them so any chance they get they do.) Alex now is not feeling well either. So he and I curl up on the couches and nurse our headaches and I making sure he takes his asthma meds every four hours and we watch tv. To our surprize again Mom comes home early only this time she is home at 430pm. She came in said hi and off to bed she went. Yep Mom is sick. So I go in and make sure she has Theraflu, Nyquil and fluids and off I go to the couch again, not before taking some of the same stuff and again making sure Alex has his meds too. Oh yeah and we all got a round of excedrin.
Wednesday, Alex seems to be feeling better, I do too. Next, thing I know Mom calls at 1130, she says she is not feeling well and is on her way home, but she wants to go to Fort Hood to drop off some things first and for us to be ready. Hmmm, I tell Alex and we talk about trying to go see some of the museums on Fort Hood while we are there since there is a ton.
Well we got to go by one of the Memorials that is up that has names of two of our friends that died in Iraq
(Jon's Best Friend, SSG Bryant Mackey and CPT Inman) but that was about all we went to see since all three of us were really feeling crappy and had headaches.
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I still have a headache but at least the body aches are starting to get better. Mom is back to herself and since hers actually started over the weekend maybe Alex and I will be better this weekend. Just in time to see Texas get more Snow!
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