I am sorry that we could not have the entire family as we all had hoped for this photo. Those who were missing in this photo were: Aunt Merri who is Uncle Rick's wife was able to be at the parties even though Uncle Rick could not make it, but she exscaped from the church and back to the house before we could get a photo. Their daughter Little Ricci was not able to be there. Brittany and her husband were not able to come because Brittany is deployed to Iraq right now. Aunt Terri's daughter Kristy and her son were not able to come down. Uncle Tom's wife Kathy and their two children also could not make it and finally the only other persons missing was my Stepdad Rob and my husband Jon both who were working and could not make it either.
Here are pictures of the family from the party.
We also were able to take a photo of Mom with her two children which we have not been able to do since Tim and I were young kids.
Next we also took a Five Generation photo of the oldest kids. Which would be My Great-Grandma McIntyre, Pops (her son), Diana (my Mom), myself and my oldest Heather. Then we had a photo with Tim and I and Great Grandma, Pops, and Mom and Heather.
To the left is Kristy and Tim. The Right is David Samantha's Husband.
This is Samantha (Uncle Tom's oldest) and her youngest Luke.
To the left is Little Jimmy, Aunt Terri's son.
This is Pops
It was so nice to be able to be around my Mom's side of the family for the first time in 7 years. We all had a great time despite the weather and when I first saw the table of food and the number of people we had I was not sure if it was going to be enough to feed us all. The good Lord does always provide and he did this day as well. We ended up with more food than we knew what to do with. I am so grateful that I have a family to go home to and that I was able to spend these special moments with my Great-Grandma and my Grandparents as well.
This flower arrangement along with three others were created by my oldest Heather. She got everything to make them from scratch with no patterns or help from the dollar store. All the flowers except the roses were fake, and the roses were from Great Grandma's Assisted Living Center Birthday Party where she got 100 red roses.