The local florists in the area all donated roses to my Great-Grandma as a way of showing their care for her turning 100. What surprized us all was that she got 100 red roses.
Great-Grandma Peggy also got a birthday card from President Obama and his wife Michelle Obama as well.
During her party Alex was listening to an iPod and Great-Grandma asked him what he had. Alex showed her what it was and even helped her to listen to it. Which she really enjoyed. I found this very cool that she enjoyed it so much at 100 years old. Just think about it, when she was 11 years old there wasn't even a thought in any persons mind about inventing an iPod.
All the residents and staff really seemed to enjoy themselves and we all had a great time celebrateing her birthday with them on that day.
I have a ton of pictures to share. As the old saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words." That being said I will let the photos speak for themselves. Enjoy.
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